The world's most famous sponge cake, the Quatre Quarts sponge cake. Very easy to make.

The world's most famous sponge cake, the Quatre Quarts sponge cake. Very easy to make.

The Easiest Sponge Cake in the World! Here's the recipe for the famous French sponge cake 🍰🎂 This recipe is one of the most famous and simplest recipes in the world. If you like the video, subscribe to our channel. 🚀 The Most Famous Four-Quarter Sponge Cake 🎂 Here's the recipe for the famous French Sponge Cake 🍰🎂, the Quatre Quarts. This recipe is one of the most famous recipes in the world. Ingredients: Eggs, flour, sugar, and butter. In the same proportions, very easy to make. The recipe is by Sandrine Sánchez of La Crème de La Crème. Give it a 👍 , ask us if you have any questions, and tell us which recipe you'd like us to publish. Sandrine explains how to make it step by step. #spain #seville #andalusia #recipes #easyrecipes #spongecake #butter #quatrequarts #therichestspongecake #easyspongecake #easydesserts #easyrecipes #sandrinesanchez #lacremedelacreme #recipe #dessert #appleyogurtspongecakerecipe #appleyogurtspongecake #yogurtspongecake #appleyogurtspongecake #pastryrecipes #spongecakerecipes #dessertrecipes #easydessertrecipes #yogurtspongecakerecipe #appleyogurtspongecakerecipe #lacremedelacreme #easiestspongecake #easyspongecakes #theeasiesttomakeintheworld #easyspongecake #sandrinesanchez #spongecake #spongecakerecipe #easyspongecakerecipe #howtomakespongecake #famousSPONGE #theFourQuartsSpongeCake #QuatreQuarts