This What VANILLA Minecraft was Meant to Be
Hey there! Today we are making Vanilla Minecraft the game it was always meant to be by using Mods, shaders and texture packs! All mods work perfecrly for 1.21 update and litst of everything I used is down below! BECOME A FREE MEMBER AND DOWNLOAD FREE BSL SHADER SETTINGS TXT FILE: Here on my Patreon: / sheranom JOIN our Discord community server: / discord Get to know me behind the scenes and chat with awesome people :) ==========Follow me========= Even more Ideas on my other accounts! Don't miss out :) 🌸Pinterest🌸: / shera_nom 🍁Reddit🍁 / sher_nom 🐳Instagram 🐳 / shera_nom Timecodes: 0:00 - Preview 0:20 - Technical & Perforamance Mods 1:12 - Visual Mods & Shaders 4:12 - Texture Packs 6:54 - Immersion MODS FROM THE VIDEO You can find all of them on https://modrinth.com/ Core mods Fabric-api-0.100.4+1.21.jar Cloth-config-15.0.127-fabric.jar Continuity-3.0.0-beta.5+1.21.jar Iris-1.7.3+mc1.21.jar Sodium-fabric-0.5.11+mc1.21.jar Performance Indium-1.0.34+mc1.21.jar Modmenu-11.0.1.jar Noisium-fabric-2.2.1+mc1.21.jar Visuals DistantHorizons-2.1.2-a-1.21-neo-fabric.jar BSL_v8.2.09.zip - custom settings! Texture Packs xali's Bushy Leaves v3.5.0.zip xali's Enhanced Vanilla v1.11.1.zip - has to be on top of the texurepack list! Requiers Continuity!! VanillaTweaks 1.21- grass/sides Crops-3d.zip 3D Default 1.20+ v1.10.1.zip Nautilus3D-V2.0.2. SnowUnderTrees-2.4.0+1.21.jar Skinlayers3d-fabric-1.6.6-mc1.21.jar Immersion AmbientSounds_FABRIC_v6.0.3_mc1.21.jar CreativeCore_FABRIC_v2.11.34_mc1.21 PresenceFootsteps-1.10.0+1.21.jar Fallingleaves-1.16.0+1.21.ja cave_dust-3.0.0.jar Vanilla-fireflies-1.0.1.jar Visuality-0.7.6+1.21.jar mru-0.4.4+1.21.jar - required mod FreshAnimations_v1.9.2.zip Entity_model_features_fabric_1.21-2.1.3.jar - required mod entity_texture_features_fabric_1.21-6.1.3.jar - required mod Notenoughanimations-fabric-1.7.4-mc1.21.jar ==========Credits============ 🦄 Skin: Mochhi from Skindex https://www.minecraftskins.com/profil... 🦄 Music: Epidemic Sound Join this amazing planform and help me a bit with this referral link: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... ( It doesn't cost extra for you but helps me out ) #Minecraft #minecraftmods #Guide