The Gingerbread Man Song | Nursery Rhymes | Kiddie TV Music | Kids Songs | ‪@kiddietvmusics‬

The Gingerbread Man Song | Nursery Rhymes | Kiddie TV Music | Kids Songs | ‪@kiddietvmusics‬

The Gingerbread Man Song | Nursery Rhymes | Kiddie TV Music | Kids Songs Subscribe for more videos - ‪@kiddietvmusics‬ Lyrics : I’m a gingerbread man, fast as can be, Running through the kitchen, try to catch me! I’ve got buttons of candy, and icing so sweet, But you won’t catch me on these speedy feet! (Chorus) Run, run, as fast as you can, You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man! Jump so high, and spin around, Try to catch me, I won’t slow down! (Verse 2) The cat tried to grab me, the dog did too, But I zipped right by, like the wind just blew! With a smile so big, and a little gumdrop nose, I dash through the door, and away I go! (Chorus) Run, run, as fast as you can, You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man! Jump so high, and spin around, Try to catch me, I won’t slow down! (Outro) Crunch, crunch oh no, what’s that? Someone took a bite now I’m just a hat! But don’t you worry, I’ll bake again, The gingerbread man will always win! #kiddietvmusic #nurseryrhymes #kiddietv #kidssongs #thegingerbreadman #gingerbreadman #gingerbreadmansong #thegingerbreadmansong #thegingerbreadmansongrunrunasfastasyoucan #thegingerbreadmansongstory #thegingerbreadmanthemesong #thegingermansong