The Law of Translation: Unlocking Wisdom for Manifestation|ApostleGraceInKenya |#phaneroo

The Law of Translation: Unlocking Wisdom for Manifestation|ApostleGraceInKenya |#phaneroo

There is a pattern to manifesting greatness in life. Joseph didn’t present himself before the king—he translated a dream and provided wisdom. Likewise, true manifestation comes through interpretation and translation, not self-promotion. In this teaching, we explore the Law of Translation—the ability to bring spiritual realities into the physical through wisdom. Nothing is new under the sun; what you need already exists, but can you translate it? Watch, learn, and align yourself with the generational anointing of this dispensation! #phaneroo #apostlegracelubega #apostlegraceinkenya #Manifestation #Wisdom #LawOfTranslation #SpiritualPrinciples