Top 10 Most Viewed America Don't Got Talent Auditions Ever Part 15

Top 10 Most Viewed America Don't Got Talent Auditions Ever Part 15

A talent show is an event in which participants perform the arts of singing, dancing, lip-syncing, acting, martial arts, playing an instrument, poetry, comedy or other activities to showcase skills. Many talent shows are performances rather than contests, but some are actual contests. In the instance of a contest, participants may be motivated to perform for a reward, trophy, or prize of some kind. Watch Full Video:    • Video   #top10 #talentshow #mostviewed #talent #americasgottalent #contest #audition #auditionvideo #tvshow #simoncowell #paulaabdul #randyjackson #americanidol #xfactor #americasgottalent #agt #adgt #hollywood #star #astarisborn #thevoice #nextamericanidol #idol #hollywoodstar #thevoice #voclas #singer #vocalist #auditions #topten #best #bestever #bestintheworld