Fr Francis' reflection on the Word of God - 13/11/2022 (Autumn 2022)

Fr Francis' reflection on the Word of God - 13/11/2022 (Autumn 2022)

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) « The destruction of the Temple foretold » Homily on the Gospel according to Luke 21:5-19 by Father Francis Lynch Don't forget to say a Hail Mary for our priests! Thank you. Collaborator: 'Logical Bible Study Ministry' ‪@LogicalBibleStudy‬ Daily Gospel Exegesis Podcast - YouTube Channel -    / channel   Please remember that through the blessing of Fr Francis our Loving Father is bestowing His infinite grace upon us all. May we keep on praying for one another and remembering that God loves us and is with us at all times, in our difficulties and toils, He is even more present since He took all of our sufferings and nailed them all on the cross so that we may truly be FREE from all distress and pain. In Christ we are redeemed, through Christ we are saved, with Christ we are renewed. Amen Any prayer intentions? Send them to us by email and our prayer groups will pray for them daily (Angelus WhatsApp Group call from Monday to Friday) and weekly (LOV for MASS on Wednesday evening at 8pm UK TIME): [email protected] Or submit them anonymously here (please share it with whoever needs prayer): Interested in joining our prayer groups? Use this link: Share your thoughts/comments/ideas with us on our resources by filling our 'Suggestion Box' - #frfrancis #lovverbumdei #homily #lectiodivina #lovpodcast #catholicpodcast #wordofgod #gospelreflection #sundayhomily #thedestructionofthetemple #destructionofthetemple #yourendurancewillwinyouyourlives #resurrection #oursalvation #fathersonholyspirit #holytrinity #redemption #catholicchurch #jesusourlordandsaviour #romancatholicchurch