FCC Online Church | December 25th, 2022
Merry Christmas! Don't forget, Christmas Eve services are at 5:00 & 7:00 on December 23rd and 24th. We will live stream the 5:00pm service on the 24th. CHECK-IN We care about you and want you to be more than a number! Help us know everyone who is watching online by going to this link and checking in. https://bit.ly/CheckinatFCC MODERN MUSIC If you enjoy modern music with a full band, you will love our Online Church worship experience! We do offer a traditional music experience at 8:30am. However, this service is no longer streamed live. We encourage all those who would like to experience traditional music to come and join us at this time in-person. PRAYER Don't let missing on a Sunday make you miss out on praying for each other. Join the FCC Prayer Chain to be able to pray with all of us: / 1702496500036718 GROW AND SERVE If you have a next step you would like to take, go to https://bit.ly/FCCNextSteps. GIVING 💳 Your giving is changing the world. You can support the work First Christian Church is doing in your community and around the world. Tithe today by clicking the blue words: http://fccbrazil.org/giving/ GIVING BY CHECK OR BANK BILL PAY 💰 Make checks payable to First Christian Church. Our mailing address is: First Christian Church 1875 W US Hwy 40 PO Box 185 Brazil, IN 47834 MUSIC LICENSING 🎵 CCLI licenses all our music. We do not claim to own or have created the music in this video. None of our music should be blocked because we are licensed to stream under CCLI's terms and conditions. https://us.ccli.com/streaming-license... Our CCLI License number is #88179 FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: / fccbrazil Instagram: / fccbrazil Twitter: / fccbrazil TikTok: / fccbrazil Website: https://fccbrazil.org