Faithful to the End 09-26-21

Faithful to the End 09-26-21

If it's not finished, it isn't done with all your might. -David Keeling 09-26-21 Watch LIVE on our FB page   / churchofmonett   each Sunday morning around 10:10am CST [we usually start it a little later than that] Please feel free to contact us either by the number on the video or through our website. For more sermons visit our website: Nuestro sitio web en español Mensajes en español en YouTube    / @pedrosantos86   #whatsoeveryourhandfindstodo #wisewords #faithfultotheend #finishwhatyoustart #gotheextramile #followthrough #oncesavedalwayssaved #godlyparents #godlyparenting #christianhome #childtraining #eduretotheend #slothful #slothfulness #befaithful #faithfulinthelittlethings