Lego Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3 Showcase

Lego Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3 Showcase

Finally after 4 months of working on these figures and 3 months waiting for the showcase I finally did the showcase for mine and everyone's favorite marvel of the year and the ending of a beloved franchise in the MCU, The Guardians of the galaxy Volume 3 showcase. Featuring 3 brand new lego custom minifigures that being Star Lord, Rocket Raccoon and The High Evolutionary, 1 normal figure, that being Groot and 2 fully custom painted heads for Drax and Nebula. I am so happy that I finally made it to the finish line of this project to celebrate the movie coming on digital. Thank you all for waiting and sorry for this showcase being late cause a bunch of crap happened in my life so yeah, hope you all enjoy this showcase video and most likely my next showcase video will be The Flash, Green Goblin or Blue Beetle. Thank you all for watching this video and this is legomnews Signing out, have great day everyone. #guardiansofthegalaxy #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 #guardiansofthegalaxyvol2 #jamesgunn #showcase #starlord #highevolutionary #rocketracoon #drax #groot #gamora #mantis #nebula #adamwarlock #lego