The Last of Us 2 Chapter 34: The Descent Walkthrough (Seattle Day 2)- Part 34
This walkthrough for Seattle Day 2 – Chapter 34: The Descent in The Last of Us 2 (TLOU Part II) will guide you through all objectives. It also includes Collectibles and other Items (Artifacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Training Manuals, Workbenches, Safes, Coins, Weapons, Upgrade Parts, Skill Unlock Supplements). This chapter starts immediately after you fall in the pool off the bridge. Wait for Lev to finish talking to you about where you are, then jump back into the pool. On the bottom left, right on top of the white drain cover, you can find the Illinois Coin. (Yes I missed it during my playthrough) From there you can then go through the nearby double doors. You can check inside the gym area and the women’s locker room for supplies, then head to the right of the area to “ORCHARDS JUICE BAR”. Go into the back room to find Artifact #1: Gym Safe Code, which using some detection you can learn is 12-18-79. You can also open a door near the register to find 7 Supplements. Abby will enter the spore infected area on her own, and you need to find a gas mask so that Lev is able to come through as well. As soon as you go through you will be facing towards a pit. Turn around and go into the room at the end of the hallway, then search the drawer at the back right to find 8 Supplements. After picking up the gas mask there will now be a large number of Stalkers running around in the rooms outside. There is 6 total, and they will move around constantly, so your best bet is probably to do a lap around the area counter-clockwise and clear out the rooms as you’re going. There are a decent number of supplies in this area, so it would be a good spot to use your normal handgun with the crafted silencer to take the Stalkers out with one shot each without alerting the others. As you kill them they will basically continually move closer to you, so you can just hang out in the first bedroom and most of them will wander over as you shoot them. #thelastofus2 #thedescent BECOME A MEMBER: / @jauntym SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL / jauntym FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER / jaunty_mell (@jaunty_mell) Also the facebook gaming group / pkps4 / jauntym / jauntym Discord Server: / discord