OCT 8 Beyond the Walls Online Church 2023

OCT 8 Beyond the Walls Online Church 2023

On the second of our nine Enduring Principles Sundays, Ron Raynes of Eugene, Oregon, speaks on the theme of β€œUnity in Diversity.” In Community of Christ, we value diversity as a strength, not a weakness, and together we seek a unity of purpose, rather than forcing conformity of practices and beliefs. When we cannot achieve agreement, we commit to ongoing dialogue and uphold our common faith in Jesus Christ and the mission of the church. We confess that our lack of agreement on certain matters is hurtful to some of God's beloved children and creation and we seek to continually learn and grow together so that we can ever improve as a sacred community. Worship with the Beyond the Walls community on Facebook or YouTube: πŸ“… Sunday, October 8, 2023. ⏰12:00 PM or 6:00 PM EDT. ORDER OF WORSHIP Prelude: Capriccio in C Major (FbWV 506) by Johann Jakob Froberger Greetings: John Hamer – Toronto Centre Place Call to Worship: by invitation Opening Hymn: CCS 327 - Weave Invocation: Jamie Carson-Cantrell β€” Tucson, Arizona Living Church Lesson: Vivian Betts β€” Nottingham, England, United Kingdom Global Welcome: Leandro Palacios – Toronto Centre Place Hymn CCS 555 - Lift Every Voice and Sing Lectionary (Galatians 3:23-29): Rebecca van Velzen β€” Soest, The Netherlands Sermon: Ron Raynes β€” Eugene, Oregon Meditation on the Message: Leandro Palacios Closing Hymn: CCS 637 - Lord, Who Views All People Precious Sending Forth: John Hamer Postlude: Maple Leaf Rag by Scott Joplin