Bigger Bolder Baking’s Gemma Stafford On Her Best-Ever Irish Scones

Bigger Bolder Baking’s Gemma Stafford On Her Best-Ever Irish Scones

Today’s guest is Gemma Stafford, the Irish chef, baker, and host behind the “Bigger Bolder Baking” YouTube show and website. She’s also the author of two books, “Bigger Bolder Baking: A Fearless Approach to Baking Anytime, Anywhere,” and “Bigger Bolder Baking Every Day: Easy Recipes to Bake Through a Busy Week.”  She joins host Jessie Sheehan to talk about the Best-Ever Irish Scones. The duo chat about textures, key ingredients like self-raising flour and frozen butter, and how to get a slightly sweet, crunchy exterior but moist interior. Because, as Gemma says, scones should never be dry!  Want to bake along? Here ( is Gemma’s recipe for her Best-Ever Irish Scones.  Thank you to Plugrà Premium European Butter ( and California Prunes ( for supporting our show.  Hosted by Jessie Sheehan Produced by Kerry Diamond, Catherine Baker, and Elizabeth Vogt Edited by Jenna Sadhu Editorial Assistant Londyn Crenshaw Recorded at CityVox Studios She’s My Cherry Pie is a production of The Cherry Bombe Podcast Network. For past episodes and transcripts, click here ( . Subscribe to our newsletter here ( . More on Gemma: Instagram (  / gemma_stafford  ) , Bigger Bolder Baking ( , YouTube (   / @gemmastafford  ) More on Jessie: Instagram (  / jessiesheehanbakes  ) , Snackable Bakes ( Subscribe to Cherry Bombe Magazine here (