Treasure Planet 2003 DVD Overview

Treasure Planet 2003 DVD Overview

DVD Release Date: Apr 29, 2013 (Includes three Deleted Scenes, an RLS Legacy: Virtual 3D Tour And Treasure Hunt, DisneyPedia: The Life Of A Pirate Revealed featurettes, a Disney's Animation Magic featurette Hosted By Roy Edward Disney, an "I'm Still Here" Music Video Performed By John Rzeznik Of The Goo Goo Dolls, Audio Commentary, and Behind-The-Scenes featurettes, trailers, and galleries.) VIDEO_TS Files Print Date: Feb 25, 2003 (Same day as the DVD and VHS releases of Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Magical World: Special Edition and Tuck Everlasting) Opening: 1. Navy Blue FBI Warning Screen (May 30, 2000-Mar 21, 2005)/Blue DVD Duplication Warning Screen (May 30, 2000-Oct 7, 2003) 2. Walt Disney Home Entertainment Logo (Oct 9, 2001-Feb 5, 2008) (Blue) (2001 Fanfare) 3. Coming Soon To Theaters Bumper (May 30, 2000-Nov 7, 2006) 4. Finding Nemo Teaser Trailer 5. Brother Bear Trailer 6. Coming Soon On Video & DVD Bumper (May 30, 2000-Nov 7, 2006) 7. Atlantis 2: Milo's Return DVD and Video Promo 8. Stitch! DVD and Video Teaser Promo 9. Bionicle - The Movie: Mask Of Light DVD and Video Teaser Promo 10. The Lion King: Special Edition DVD Promo 11. DVD Menu 12. THX: Digitally Mastered Logo (Oct 26, 1996-2005) 13. Disney DVD Logo (Oct 9, 2001-Aug 28, 2007) 14. Walt Disney Pictures Opening Logo (Aug 3, 1990-Nov 9, 2006) Closing: 1. "Distributed By Buena Vista Pictures Distribution" Message 2. Walt Disney Pictures Closing Logo (Aug 3, 1990-Nov 9, 2006) 3. DVD Menus Bonus Material: 1. Deleted Scenes: Original Prologue: Adult Jim Alternate Ending: Rebuilding The Bendow Jim Meets Ethan 2. Intergalactic Space Adventures: RLC Legacy - Virtual 3D Tour And Treasure Hunt: Technical Tour Nautical Tour Treasure Hunt (With a deleted scene at the end) "DisneyPedia: The Life Of A Pirate Revealed" Featurettes "Disney's Animation Magic: Hosted By Roy Edward Disney" Feaurette "I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme)" Music Video Performed By John Rzeznik Of The Goo Goo Dools 3. Behind-The-Scenes: Story: Treasure Island Trailer Story Art Trailer The Art Design: "The Brandywine School" Featurette Still Art Galleries: Visual Development Paintings Moments "The 70/30 Law" Featurette The Characters: Jim Hawkins John Silver: Slideshow The "Hook" Test Silver Arm Test Dr. Delbert Doppler Captain Amelia Mr. Arrow Scroop Sarah Hawkins Billy Bones B.E.N.: Slideshow 3D Character 2D World Hands Flint Morph Blind Pew Pirates Spaceport Crescentia Maquettes Animation: The "Hook" Test Featurette Animation: Delbert Doppler Silver Progression Animation Pencil Animation: Amelia's Cabin Rough Animation To Final Film Comparison (Only the Introduction was shown due to copyright) Deleted Scenes (Again): Original Prologue: Adult Jim (Again) Alternate Ending: Rebuilding The Benbow (Again) Jim Meets Ethan (Again) Dimensional Staging: Color Keys "Layout Demonstrations" Featurette "Treasure Planet Found" Featurette "Lighting" Featurette Merging 2D And 3D Worlds: "Pose Camera" Featurette "Effects Animation" Featurette Release: Teaser Trailer Theatrical Trailer Posters THX Optimizer (The rest of the Audio Test wasn't shown for some reason) Extra Sneak Peeks (Through the Sneak Peeks menu): 1. George Of The Jungle 2 DVD and Video Promo 2. Castle In The Sky DVD and Video Promo On this day in 2002, this movie came out in theaters. Happy anniversary! All rights belong to Disney Enterprises, Inc.