Friday, December 24, 2021 - Candlelight Christmas Eve Service - 11PM

Friday, December 24, 2021 - Candlelight Christmas Eve Service - 11PM

Fremont United Methodist Church Rev. Shannon Marie L. Berry Songs: The Coming Christ “O Come O Come Emmanuel” - CCLI#31982 “Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus” - CCLI#31999 Hymn of Proclamation “The First Noel” - CCLI#31047 Special Music: “O Come Al Ye Faithful” - CCLI#31054 “O Little Town of Bethlehem” - CCLI#27879 Special Music: “Who Would Imagine a King” - CCLI#2434425 “Silent Night, Holy Night” - CCLI#27862 Online giving at or mail a check to: PO Box 147, Fremont, NC 27830 Calendar of Events: One License#A-739137 CCLI Streaming License#20584930