8-09-23 Wednesday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time

8-09-23 Wednesday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time

Welcome to St Ann's & our live stream Mass. We are so happy to have you join us. Please feel free to share with friends and family. We have a few minutes of silence &/or possible music, prior to Mass. Do not be alarmed if it is silent, initially. We are allowing time for people to tune in to the Live stream. We have mass daily at 8am Mon-Fri & Sundays at 9am LIVE on our St Ann Catholic Church Facebook Page at   / stannchurchhagerstown   and our YouTube Channel at    / @stannchurch-hagerstownmd8454   . Again, welcome & thank you for joining our St. Ann's community!! CCLI Music Licensing: #1655329 Stream License: #20490646