굴 떡국 이렇게 넣으면 맛이 대박 시원해요 Oyster Rice Cake Soup Gul Tteokguk by by Korean Grandmother Halmeoni

굴 떡국 이렇게 넣으면 맛이 대박 시원해요 Oyster Rice Cake Soup Gul Tteokguk by by Korean Grandmother Halmeoni

손녀가 좋아하는 밥 뚝딱 할머니 반찬 요리가 서툰 아들 딸을 위해 반찬을 해주는 엄마의 마음 손녀, 손자를 위해 집밥을 손수 지어주는 할머니의 마음을 전합니다 Homemade Cook Grandmother’s meal that is loved by her granddaughter The heart of a mother who prepares dishes for her son and daughter who are not good at cooking I give the heart of a grandmother who prepares home-cooked meals for her granddaughter and grandson This is a Korean food YouTube channel, a Korean mom cooking vlog 새해에는 새로운 떡국을 드셔보세요 간편하고, 쉽고, 맛있는 굴 떡국입니다 2024년도 건강하고 맛있는 해 되세요! This is Oyster Rice Cake Soup Gul Tteokguk Happy New Year with Delicious Tteokguk! Every Korean eats Tteokguk to celebrate New Year Day and Lunar New Year Let’s make it easily~ Oyster Rice Cake Soup Gul Tteokguk by Korean Grandmother Halmeoni Recipe 떡국떡 500g Rice Cake (Sliced) 1 1lbs 굴 100g (Pacific) Oyster 0 2lbs 달걀 Eggs 2 표고버섯 Shiitake Mushrooms (Pyogo) 2 다시마 Dried Kelp (Dashima) 2 소금 Salt 김 Dried Seaweed paper (물 양은 1~1 5 L 내외 *취향대로 넣어 주시면 돼요 ) 가족들 모두 즐길 수 있는 쉬운 요리 함께 만들어 보아요! Let’s make an easy dish together that the whole family can enjoy!