Cheer up, Let's Sing a Silly Song! | Baby Cartoons - Kids Sing Alongs | Moonbug
🐝SUBSCRIBE to sing along to the NEWEST Lellobee Farm songs! / @lellobeecityfarm 🍯PLAYLISTS🍯 🐝New Lellobee episodes weekly: • 🎤Kids Karaoke!🎤 New Tunes for Kids by... 🐝Lellobee Kids Cartoons and Songs: • Kids Songs! Dance and Sing! 🌻 Lellobee -------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW IG @moonbugentertainment : / moonbugentertainment WEB : https://www.moonbug.com/lellobeecityfarm 🍯ABOUT LELLOBEE CITY FARM🍯 The Lellobee City Farm is looked after by Mei. She enjoys nothing more than teaching her adventurous granddaughter Ella all the wondrous magic and fun of the farm. Ella’s best friend Rishi, a shy but curious boy who lives opposite the farm, drops by each episode to muck into the fun too! -------------------------------------------------------- #lellobee #kidssongs #nurseryrhymes 🍯Lyrics🍯 Hey, are you sad? A little blue I’ll cheer you up! I know just what to do! There was a time When I was so sad I dropped my ice cream And I was so mad I started crying oh so loud (Wahhhh) And watched it melting on the ground (Ahhhh!) What did I do? Well, I’ll tell you! I oink oink oinked like a Piggy (OINK OINK OINK!) I hop hop hopped like a bunny (BOING BOING BOING!) I laugh laugh laughed All day long And sung my silly billy little Lello Bello song! There was a time When I was so blue I kicked a ball And lost my shoe! The tears flew out just like a flood (Wahhhhhh!) While my shoe landed in the mud! (Cer-SPLAT!) What did I do? Well I’ll tell you! I neigh neigh neighed like a horsey (NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH!) I spun spun spun like a Windmill (SPIN SPIN SPIN!) I laugh laugh laughed All day long And sung my silly billy little Lello Bello song! DANCE BREAK! There was a day When I was so low I had a flower That just wouldn’t grow I started crying like a baby (Wahhhh!) But then I thought… Hey maybe…(Ahhhhh!) If I can smile… Just for a while….. I bark bark barked like a doggy (WOOF WOOF WOOF) I dance dance danced like a monkey (WOO WOO WOO!) On Lellobee Farm I laughed all day long And sung my silly billy little Lello Bello song! Yeah!