Legislative, Judicial, Diplomatic, Military pardoning emergency Powers of President@pathshalaupsc

Legislative, Judicial, Diplomatic, Military pardoning emergency Powers of President@pathshalaupsc

Legislative, Judicial, Diplomatic, Military pardoning emergency Powers of President of india@pathshalaupsc #upscpolity #laxmikanthpolitybook #laxmikanthpolityvideos #mlaxmikanthconstitution #alisir #pathshalaupsc In this video, you will see various powers of Indian president 1) Legislative Powers 2) Executive powers 3) Judicial Powers 4) Financial Powers 5) Diplomatic Powers 6) Military Powers 7) Emergency Powers Powers of the President of India, Functions of President of India #powers_of_president_of_india #functions_of_president_of_india #president_of_india #legislative_power_of_president #executive_powers_of_president_of_india #ordinance_making_powers_of_president #financial_powers_of_president_of_india #emergency_powers_of_the_president_of_india #military_functions_of_president #diplomatic_functions_of_president Related Search terms : - powers of president, financial powers of president of india, financial powers of president,powers of the president, powers of president in indian constitution, powers of president in hindi, powers of president of india, president of india, powers of president of india indian polity, powers of indian president, indian polity, polity for upsc, powers of the president of india, powers of president ups, ups preparation, indian polity for upsc,president powers, karan sir, ias #presidentofindia #powersofpresident #president #indianconstitution #indianconstitutionandpolity #upsc #bpsc #karansirpolitv #karansir #iaspreparation #mobishikshalaspcs #pcspreparation #iaspolity #pcspolity #indianconstitution #indianpolity For IAS PCS Preparation Subscribe my youtube channel https://youtube.com/@PathshalaUPSC?si... Follow my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61... Follow me on instagram http://instagram.com/pathshala_upsc_?..