Sermon at Traditional Worship | August 28, 2022 9am | Prince of Peace Orlando
Traditional Worship | August 28, 2022 9:00am | Prince of Peace Orlando | Pastor Ken Green, Pastor Adolfo Borges * * * * “All Things New” • Scriptures: Isaiah 42:1-9, Revelation 21:1-7, John 3:16-21 • Are you ready for some “new”? Have circumstances and life seemed to get “old” over the past 2+ years? Today we begin a new sermon series looking at our God who boldly declares from His throne, “I am making everything new! Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true” (Revelation 21:5). In what ways have you come here longing for renewal, longing for something “new”? Our ever-present God has drawn you and me into His presence to renew us in Jesus’ love through the power of His Spirit. ***In what new ways can you see yourself connecting with God through His word and prayer, trusting in Him, even taking delight in Him? As you commit your way to the Lord, what is the desire of your heart–in what ways do anticipate seeing Him make all things new? * * * * Prince of Peace Orlando is a Christ-centered, multicultural church inspired by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament to engage the community with God’s grace and love. Get to know more about Prince of Peace Orlando at www.poporlando.com. To support this ministry and help us continue to be the heart, hands, and feet of Jesus in the heart of Orlando, click here: http://www.poporlando.com/give/ * * * * Stay Connected Website: http://www.poporlando.com Facebook: / princeofpeaceorlando Instagram: / poporlando Twitter: / poporlando * * * * CCLI License # 1284252 CCLI Streaming License # 20201471 One License # A-719380