Transverse Section of Medulla - 1 | T.S of Lower Part of Medulla at Pyramidal Decussation

Transverse Section of Medulla - 1 | T.S of Lower Part of Medulla at Pyramidal Decussation

#neuroanatomy #medullaoblongata #medicalmedics Welcome to Medical Medics Assalam o alaikum in this video we will talk about : Internal Structure of Medulla oblongata Medical Medics:    / @medical-medics   Upper limb Anatomy :    • Upper Limb Anatomy   All anastomoses in body :    • All Anastomosis in Body   Thorax Anatomy :    • Thorax Anatomy   Abdomen Anatomy :    • Abdomen & Pelvis Anatomy   Inguinal Canal and Inguinal Hernia :    • Inguinal Canal and Inguinal Hernia