How to block any user on PTCL Flash Fiber

How to block any user on PTCL Flash Fiber

Access the router settings: Connect your computer or device to the PTCL Flash Fiber router either via a wired Ethernet connection or through a Wi-Fi connection. Open a web browser: Launch a web browser (such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge) and type in the router's default IP address in the address bar. The default IP address for most PTCL routers is typically, but it may vary depending on your specific model. If you're unsure, you can find the IP address in the router's manual or on the sticker on the back of the device. Log in to the router: You will be prompted to enter the router's username and password. By default, the username is usually "admin," and the password can be "admin" or "password." If you have changed the login credentials, use the updated information. Navigate to the access control settings: Once logged in, you will see the router's administration interface. Look for a tab or menu option related to "Access Control," "Security," or "Firewall." The exact location may vary depending on your router model and firmware version. Create a new access control rule: In the access control settings, you will typically find an option to add a new rule or entry. Click on it to create a new rule. Specify the user's details: In the new rule configuration, you'll need to enter the details of the user you want to block. This typically includes the user's IP address or MAC address. The IP address can be obtained by checking the router's connected devices list or by using network diagnostic tools. The MAC address is a unique identifier associated with each network device and is usually printed on the device itself. Configure the block action: Once you've entered the user's details, you can set the action to block or deny. Some routers provide additional options like scheduling the block or specifying certain days and times when the block should be active. Save the settings: After configuring the block action, save the settings to apply the changes. The router may reboot or apply the changes immediately, depending on the model and firmware.