Lisbon City Council Nov 22, 2021
CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd , 2021 at 7:00 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS TENTATIVE AGENDA REGULAR SESSION 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve Agenda B. Approve Minutes of November 8th C. Approve List of Bills D. Approve Whitey’s Bar and Grill Liquor license 4. PUBLIC INPUT. This is the time and place for discussion items not already on the agenda with a time limit of 3 minutes each. 5. MISC. A. Presentation from owner of Johnson County Refuse in reference to upcoming changes within their company. B. Discussion and possible action in reference to Phase 1 of the Sports Complex C. Discussion and possible action concerning December 27th meeting D. Discussion and possible action concerning BE Lisbon Grant 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS, ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS (Discussion and Possible Action) A. Resolution 33-2021 Approving Transfer of Funds B. Resolution 34-2021 Approving Application for Rural Return Grant C. Set Public Hearing reference changes to ordinance Chapter 28 History Center and History Center Foundation 7. CORRESPONDENCES A. Proposed Budget timeline 8. REPORTS A. City Engineer Report B. Public Works Director Report C. Parks & Rec Director Report D. Police Department Report E. Ambulance Director Report F. Fire Chief/City Administrator’s Report G. Council & Mayor Reports 9. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Possible closed session pursuant to Code of Iowa Section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. B. Discussion and Possible Action regarding employee evaluation - Stoneking Adjourn