Command Selectors Explained! r= c= dx= and more! (Minecraft Command Tutorial)

Command Selectors Explained! r= c= dx= and more! (Minecraft Command Tutorial)

This video will teach you how to use all of the command selectors for Minecraft bedrock edition, with the exception of hasitem, tag and scores which will have seperate dedicated videos on my channel. My command block discord:   / discord   0:32 Selectors (@a @e etc.) 4:15 Not ! 5:01 type= (Type of entity) 6:10 family= (Entity family/group) 6:50 name= (Entity name) 7:39 r= (Radius) 8:51 c= (Count) 9:48 l= (Xp level) 10:28 lm= (Xp level minimum) 10:53 m= (Gamemode) 12:09 rx= and rxm= (Up and down rotation) 14:21 ry= and rym= (Left and right rotation) 15:33 x= y= and z= (coordinates) 16:47 dx= dy= dz= (Coordinates but like square, kinda) Thumbnail by: Joly de Fer Marketplace Map: