This really is the stuff of nightmares. ITS CHANGING EVERYTHING AS WE KNOW IT! You wont wanna miss this! Find out #jurassicworld #jurassicpark #dinosaur #horror #jurassicworldrebirth Watch The FULL INDIVIDUAL LORE Videos BELOW ►The Most Horrifying dinosaur in Jurassic Park - • The MOST HORRIFYING Dinosaur in Juras... ►The Horrifying Truth on "Disease x" in Jurassic Park - • The HORRIFYING TRUTH on "Disease X" i... ►What Really Happened to Dennis Nedrys Body? - • What REALLY Happened to Nedry's Body ... ►The Terrifying DELETED JP4 movie - • The TERRIFYING DELETED Jurassic Park ... ►Thumbnail art by Biirdtator go Show some Love! - https://www.tumblr.com/biirdtator?red... TIMESTAMPS Intro 00:00 - 00:36 The Island 00:36 - 01:28 The EXPERIMENTS 01:28 - 03:15 The TRUTH 03:15 - 04:27 The HYRBID JP 04:27 - 08:30 Two HEAD RAPTOR & OTHERS 08:30 - 11:54 -------------------------------- In this video we talk about Jurassic World REBIRTH media, jurassic world, indominus rex, Including, scenes on the velociraptors, dilophosuaurs, troodon, TREX (rexy) indoraptor, and scenes from Jurassic World, & Dominion. As well as talking about Jurassic World Chaos Theory, and Jurassic World REBIRTH. This Style of video is very much similar to Game Theory (Gametheory) or FilmTheory, as well as being inspired by thegamingbeaver! DONT FORGET TO HIT THE LIKE BUTTON! COMMENT JWCC for a SHOUTOUT!