Harry Potter Unboxing | Insight Editions Knight Bus Advent Calendar 2023 🎄 | DAY 16

Harry Potter Unboxing | Insight Editions Knight Bus Advent Calendar 2023 🎄 | DAY 16

Harry Potter Unboxing | Insight Editions Knight Bus Advent Calendar 2023 🎄 | DAY 16 #adventcalendar #unboxingvideo #insighteditions #gifted ✨ Day 16 - A perfect addition to your Christmas Tree - a Hogwarts Christmas Ornament Don't forget to follow @InsightEditions for more Harry Potter wonders and stay tuned as we continue our #harrypotterholiday adventure. What will the next door reveal? 🌟 #knightbus #hogwarts #hogwartsahome #gringotts