July 28th, 2024, 10am Sunday Worship Service at Center Congregational Church Manchester
"We want everything 'yesterday'. And we want to be faithful people, but we really don't want to work too hard at it." Join Pastor Joyce O. Crutchfield as she prepares a loaf of bread, and find out what the flour, yeast, and water can be interpreted as in faith. It's a thought-provoking analogy and sermon you won't want to miss. Welcome to Center Congregational Church, where no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here. Join us at: 11 Center St., Manchester, CT 06040 Visit us at: www.CenterChurchUCC.org Call us at: 860-647-9941 Email us at: [email protected] Music Licensure: Prelude: "Notturno" - E. Grieg, arr. by T. Chesteron Anthem: "God of Justice" - T. Hughes Postlude: "Grand Chorus in B flat" - T. Dubois, arr. by D. Hustad