Top 10 Messed Up Marriage Practices in History

Top 10 Messed Up Marriage Practices in History

Top 10 Messed Up Marriage Practices in History Subscribe:    / @bumblebeeelite6723   Follow us on Facebook:   / bumblebeevideos   Marriages can be hard but back in Medieval Times it was pretty much all bad. Marriage back then was based on political arrangements rather than love. What are some medieval traditions we SHOULD leave in the past? Join us today on Bumblebee as we count down our Top 10 Messed Up Marriage Practices in History #medieval #marriage #top10 #medievalweddings #medievaltraditions #weddings #history #trial #trialbycombat #historychannel #darkhistory #weirdhistory #royal #kings #queens #darkages Editors: 🍯Garreth Arenburg-Duchesne