Top 10 BEST ASSAULT RIFLES in Borderlands 2! (Best Rifles for Axton, Gaige, Gunzerker) #PumaCounts

Top 10 BEST ASSAULT RIFLES in Borderlands 2! (Best Rifles for Axton, Gaige, Gunzerker) #PumaCounts

Hey guys, back with another Borderlands 2 Countdown video and today, I wanted to go over what I think are among some of the Best Assault Rifles in this Game! In this video, I'll be ranking what I think are the Top 10 Assault Rifles in Borderlands 2 based on their power, overall utility and rarity. I'll also briefly be going over character recommendations for some of these as well, so whether you play Axton, Gaige, Zer0, Krieg or Salvador the Gunzerker, you should be able to get quite a bit out of this video! As always, if you enjoyed this video, definitely be sure to leave a like and let me know what you think!