10 Things No One Tells You About Building Muscle and Losing Fat
I guarantee you will learn something in this video that will help you optimize your fitness goals -- whether it be building muscle, gaining strength or getting lean enough to see your abs. Here are the 10 things no on really tells you about getting to your fitness goals. 🚨AYBL Black Friday SaIe NOW LIVE: https://www.aybl.com/path ►Up to 60% off sitewide + Extra 10% off with Code "PATH" at checkout (up to 70% total). ► TRANSFORM YOUR BODY. JOIN MY COACHING: https://www.tylerpathfit.com/?source=... ► PROTEIN POWDER & CREATINE I RECOMMEND: MYPROTEIN (C0DE "TPATH"): https://tidd.ly/46efG89 ►MORE FITNESS ADVICE -- TIKTOK: / tylerpath ►MORE FITNESS ADVICE AND UPDATES: / pathradecha ►BEHIND THE SCENES / PERSONAL LIFE -- SNAPCHAT: / tylerpath99 #tylerpath #fitness #gym #bodybuildling