Livestream: November 29, 2020 | Christmas Hope: The Golden-Rule Life (sermon only)
Trinity Wellsprings Church is located in the beachside town of Satellite Beach, FL. Join us for our Livestream at 10:30 am each Sunday. This Sunday, we begin our Advent series "Searching for Christmas" with a message titled "Christmas Hope: The Golden-Rule Life" from Matthew 7:7-12 Families, you can find a link to lessons & activities for children here:https://trinitywellsprings.com/jlko Guests: We'd love to connect with you, if this is your first time watching us, please text the word GUEST to 321-710-2712 so we can send you a thank you gift for watching. Covenant Partners/Regular Attenders: Please fill out our online connect card and let us know how we can pray with you: https://trinitywellsprings.com/welcom... To worship the Lord with your tithe or offering: https://trinitywellsprings.com/give/