Opening to Inspector Gadget 2 (US DVD, 2003) (5.1)

Opening to Inspector Gadget 2 (US DVD, 2003) (5.1)

I don't take requests. Rendered (not recorded) at 4k because of YouTube's terrible bitrates. DVD release date: March 11, 2003 0:08 - FBI Warning 0:21 - Walt Disney Home Entertainment 0:34 - Coming Soon to Theaters 0:41 - Pirates of the Caribbean (Movie Surfers) 2:14 - Coming Soon to Own on DVD & Video 2:26 - Treasure Planet Trailer 3:55 - Atlantis II Trailer 4:37 - George of the Jungle 2 Trailer 5:34 - Bionicle Mask of Light Trailer 6:19 - Lion King Special Edition Trailer 8:10 - DVD Menu 8:36 - THX - Broadway 8:58 - Disney DVD 9:25 - Beginning of film