Karma Police by Radiohead, but every lyric is an AI generated image
Download all the images for free here: https://www.syntopikon.com/ai-imagesets/ If you'd like, you can also support me on Patreon: / syntopikon Is there a song you want me to turn into an AI music video? Let me know in the comments. Song: Karma Police @Radiohead Lyrics Source: https://genius.com/Radiohead-karma-po... AI: Midjourney (https://www.midjourney.com/home/) I fed the lyrics from Genius into the Midjourney Discord bot. Each lyric would return 4 potential results. After choosing one I liked, I would upscale it for a higher-res and more detailed version, which I then used. I used Adobe Premiere to put the video together. #MusicVideo #LyricVideo #LyricsVideo #Lyrics #Rock #Song #Midjourney #MidjourneyAI #MidjourneyArt #YouTubeVideo #Music #Radiohead #KarmaPolice