If you don't  wash your  Prayer rugs  regularly what happens#howto

If you don't wash your Prayer rugs regularly what happens#howto

If you don't wash your Prayer rugs regularly what happens#howto #fahmiiscookingandkitchenhacks Best Kitchen tips and hacks | Smartly save Ur Money & Time with 1 Thing #how #bbcurdu #fahmiiscookingandkitchenhacks #smartkitchentips #home #homehacks Hello Aslaam Aleukum my valued YouTube viewers and Subscriber 🌹 In this video I am sharing my home experience ideas ,tips and tricks . Brilliant ideas and practical ways to organize your home and room.What happens when you don't wash your prayer rug . Hope you enjoy my video,if you like my video, please subscribe my channel, like, share, comment,must press 🔔 icon. Thanks BBC URDU اگر ہم اپنے جائے نماز کو باقاعدگی سے نہیں دھوئیں تو کیا ہو سکتا ہے ۔ ہمارے جائے نماز بھی جراثیم کی پسندیدہ پناہ گاہوں میں سے ایک ہو سکتی ہے۔ اور یہ جراثیم ہم کو بہت بیمار بھی کر سکتے ہیں۔ تو پھر اپنے جائے نماز کو کیسے صاف کیا جائے؟ کتنے دن بعد دھویا جائے، اور کس طرح سے دھویا جائے ۔ BBC Urdu Your Queries: What happened if you don't wash your prayer rugs Rug cleaning How to wash prayer rugs Home Organization ideas,tips,tricks How To Organized your ,home, room, bedroom, bedsheets brilliant ways to organize kitchen cabinets, Kitchen Organization Ideas in Hindi, DIY Home, Kitchen organizing products, Bedroom ,Kitchen Organization Ideas,Home Organization Ideas indian, ,DIY Home, Organization Ideas indian, organization, Bed room, organization ideas indian, 5 Amazing Space Saving Organization Ideas Smartly Save Ur Money and Time with 1 Thing #smartkitchentips 11 Amazing Kitchen Tips & Tricks for Kitchen | Tips Totkay-BaBa Food RRC #babafoodrrc Amazing kitchen tips and hacks, Amazing Kitchen Tips and Tricks, Amazing Kitchen ideas, Genius kitchen Hacks, genius kitchen tips and tricks, genius kitchen ideas,Amazing home and kitchen hacks | Clever idea | Smart kitchen tips kitchen hacks. 5 Best kitchen & Home Tips and Tricks | How To Keep Kitchen Clean and Organize | Money saving | Diy Facebook link: /hameeda.ghaffar.7?mibextid=D4KYlr Instagram link /aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3ODgwMzk2MjY5NTUxNT