Abraham: A Life & Legacy  - BBTC English Service (Aug 28 & 29, 2021)

Abraham: A Life & Legacy - BBTC English Service (Aug 28 & 29, 2021)

Welcome back to BBTC English Service! We begin a new sermon series this month learning about the life lessons from various Bible characters. Today, Elder Leon Oei draws out important lessons about the life of Abraham and his legacy. OVERVIEW: 1. Abrahamic Faith: Flawed but Faithful (Gen 12-25) Have an Abrahamic Faith 2. Abrahamic Future: “A Great Gulf Fixed” (Luke 16) Hallow the Abrahamic Future 3. Abrahamic Family: Abraham our Father? (John 8, Galatians 3) Honour your Abrahamic Family REFLECTIONS: 1. Do we love God more than all that he has blessed us with? 2. Do we take heaven and hell seriously? 3. Do we act like Father Abraham, or the father of lies? _ SCRIPTURE MEDITATION Genesis 15:6 (NIV) Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness. __ New to BBTC? Need prayer? Connect with us: https://bit.ly/bbtcprayer​ Tithes & Offerings: https://bit.ly/bbtctithe​ Watch BBTC Services: https://bit.ly/bbtcservices​ Find us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/bbtcfacebook​ Find us on Instagram: https://bit.ly/bbtcig​ Zoom Prayer Rooms - Breakthrough House (Sat 6-7pm, Sun 10-11am): https://bit.ly/breakthroughhouse __ #BBTCians​ #BBTCsg #EnglishSermon #EnglishService