Other Countries Warning STOCK UP NOW | Buy Food NOW | Prepping SHTF

Other Countries Warning STOCK UP NOW | Buy Food NOW | Prepping SHTF

Other Countries Warning STOCK UP NOW | Buy Food NOW | Prepping SHTF Listen Up, time to be ready is NOW. Get what you need. Top 20 list prepare now:    • The #1 List You Will WANT | 20 Surviv...   More tips you may have missed!    / riversidehomesteadlife   The #1 List YOU WILL WANT, 20 Survival Foods | Prepping For Shtf Get This List Before Its To Late More tips you may have missed!    / riversidehomesteadlife   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: By clicking some links to products could be an affiliate link which will support us through small commission n in some cases, never costing you anymore and often linking a discount for you/ this helps support our channel, thank you for your support. We will keep up the good videos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZE DRYING FOOD\ Check this out: https://affiliates.harvestright.com/1... The JASE Medical Case we have: ( buy your prescriptions MEDS NOW) https://www.jasemedical.com/?rfsn=647... Our SURVIVAL SEEDS link with discount. https://survivalgardenseeds.com/?ref=... Coupon code : RHL Our pressure canner/ all American 921 pressure canner/ amazon link: https://amzn.to/3JSMDfD The time to get ready is now, the time to prep is now, whether you’re a prepper or an emergency preparedness type of person, the warning is out from other countries for citizens to stock up on food medication‘s and water, for an event that could be bad. Preparedness is a way of being, it takes you going to the grocery store and getting what you need ahead of time before the catastrophe happens before the emergency selves happen, preparing for SHTF, is SHTF prepping, it’s the time to stock up now, stocking up now for 2022 the warning is out to stock up. Buy food now for SHTF and prepping for long-term food storage. Whether you were a beginner prepper or a professional prepper this is an update an economic update news alert for May 2022 that lets you know that other countries are warning their citizens to be ready for an emergency event for up to 10 days, Germany has told their citizens to stock up now for 10 days worth of emergency supplies being food water and medication‘s. With everything getting really bad food shortages, inflation is going through the roof, hyper inflation is here, and supply chains are causing all kinds of issues in the economics today getting ready now is better than getting ready later, buy food now stock up food stockpile food and be prepared for 2022, it may be a rough ride, it could be difficult on families if you do not prepare now, the time to prep is now. As I said in the video Germany China France and Finland have warned their people to be prepared for an emergency, this means stocking up on food and water and medication‘s, Germany said it in a publication for their citizens to stock up for 10 days, they do not want you to leave the house and be sure to have what you need in the house so you do not have to leave the house in case of an emergency, If threats were made upon a country or a future war was to happen, countries want their citizens to have what they need so they do not struggle. #othercountrieswarningstockupnow #buyfoodnow #preppingshtf