Part 21 - easy way to remove your pimples | Photoshop tutorial for Beginners in tamil
Hey buddies..! this is Mr.JR Learners Friendly Network. In this tutorial you learn spot healing brush tool uses and Patch tool uses in Photoshop with Tami language. 1) What is spot healing brush tool? and which purpose to use in this spot healing brush tool in Photoshop? Spot healing brush tool is used to quickly remove unwanted objects in picture. then remove pimples in faces. Then Spot healing brush tool is used for remove spots and dots from commercial products. Then spot healing brush tool is used for textures replacement purpose in images. J is the shortcut key for spot healing brush tool in Photoshop. 2) Difference in Spot healing brush tool and Heeling brush tool in Photoshop Spot healing brush is removes small areas in objects. like Spots in faces and dots or marks in products. Healing brush tool is used for quickly removed from Larger areas in images. 3) What is Patch tool? What to do patch tool in Photoshop? The Patch tool is one part of healing brush tools family in Photoshop. Besides that Patch tool is a selection tool. Patch tool is helps for quickly replace the selected areas in images. You like to copy or replace any part of selected areas of your images to another area in images, Patch tool is simply do that work. for example, you like to remove unwanted wires or trashes or Peoples in your image Patch tool is simply do that work. Mostly Photo editors are used in this patch tool. Now i say step by step how to use Spot healing brush tool in Photoshop : !) Open Photoshop any version. 2) File - open - select images(ex: Pimples face or dusty products) - open 3) Now you selected image is showing in Photoshop. 4) Now you see many pimples in face. I don't like that pimples in that beautiful face. so, i want remove that pimple. 5) Now I going to select Spot healing brush tool in tool bar. tool bar is showing left side in Photoshop. J is the shortcut key for spot healing brush tool in Photoshop. 6) Select the Spot healing brush tool. Then adjust the size of brush. 7) create new layer 8) Layer - new - Layer ( SHIFT + CTRL + N is shortcut key ). 9) Now click the pimple in that face. 10) Now simply removed that pimples in that beautiful face. Then also spot healing brush tool is used for, Remove Spots and Lines Remove smaller areas in images how to use patch tool in Photoshop step by step : !) Open Photoshop any version. 2) File - open - select images(ex: Pimples face or dusty products) - open 3) Now you selected image is showing in Photoshop. 4) Now I going to select Patch tool in toolbar. tool bar is showing left side in Photoshop. J is the shortcut key for Patch tool in Photoshop. 5) selected the Patch tool. Patch tool is similar for Lasso tool. 6) Now using your cursor, click and draw unwanted objects in your images. 7) Then drag it any side your image. Now you see unwanted object is removed. 8) Now deselect the selection. Shortcut key is (ctrl + d) Uses of patch tool in Photoshop : !) removing objects 2) Remove Pimples and dots 3) Remove Larger areas I think now you understand difference between brush Spot healing brush tool and Patch tool in Photoshop. And Also you known as how to remove pimples and objects in your images in Photoshop. Any doubts feel free to comment. SUPPORT and MOTIVATE me. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE IN THIS VIDEO. அன்பார்ந்த viewers மற்றும் subscribers உங்களுக்காக நான் ஆரம்பித்த Mr.JR Learners Friendly Network channel - ன் கம்ப்யூட்டர் பயிற்சி வகுப்புகள் உங்களுக்கு எளிதாக புரியும்படியும், உபயோகமாகவும் இருந்திருக்கும் என நம்புகிறேன். நான் உங்களுக்காக வழங்கும் ஒவ்வொரு வகுப்பு வீடியோவையும் பார்த்து கற்றுக்கொண்ட பின் அந்த வகுப்பிற்கு நீங்கள் எனக்கு நன்றி செலுத்த விரும்பினாலோ என்னை ஆதரித்து ஊக்கப்படுத்த விரும்பினாலோ உங்களால் முடிந்த அன்பளிப்பு தொகையை என்னுடைய Google pay number - க்கு நீங்கள் செலுத்தலாம். இந்த அன்பளிப்பானது நான் இந்த கம்ப்யூட்டர் பயிற்சி சேவையை என் வாழ்நாள் முழுவதும் ஏழை எளிய மக்களுக்கும் மற்றும் அனைவருக்கும் முழு தரத்துடன் தொடர்ந்து நடத்தவும் மற்றும் நம்முடைய சேனலின் வளர்ச்சிக்காகவும் மிகவும் உபயோகமாக இருக்கும் என தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கிறேன். உங்களுடைய ஆதரவை வழங்கும்படி அன்புடன் கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறேன். நன்றி..! G - Pay : 8526093624 Bank Account Number : 500101013434314 IFSC Code : CIUB0000627 MAIL : [email protected] #oilyface #photoshoptrics #photoshoptamil #skinretouch @MrJRLearnersFriendlyNetwork