(Martin Nystrom) As The Deer(목마른사슴) ccm 피아노 piano - 호빈웍스 hobinworks

(Martin Nystrom) As The Deer(목마른사슴) ccm 피아노 piano - 호빈웍스 hobinworks

As The Deer(목마른사슴) Martin Nystrom arranged / piano by hobin 1/ As the deer panteth for the water So my soul longeth after thee You alone are my heart's desire And I long to worship you 2/ You're my friend and you are my brother Even though you are a king of kings And I love you more than any other So much more than anything chorus/ You alone are my strength, my shield To you alone may my spirit yield You alone are my heart's desire And I long to worship you 1/ 목마른 사슴 시냇물을 찾아 헤메이듯이 내 영혼 주를 찾기에 갈급하나이다 2/ 금보다 귀한 나의 주님 내게 만족주신 분 당신만이 나의 기쁨 또한 나의 참 보배 chorus/ 주님만이 나의 힘 나의 방패 나의 참 소망 나의 몸 정성 다 바쳐서 주님 경배합니다 + As The Deer로 정정합니다 TT p s 구독과 좋아요, 남겨주시는 댓글 하나하나 큰 힘과 격려가 됩니다 :) Subscriptions, likes, and comments are all great strengths and encouragements :) 좋은 곡이 있다면 댓글을 통해 추천해주세요 ! If you know a good song, please refer to it via comment ! #피아노 #piano #ccm