HOLY MASS: New Year's Eve (EBENEZER NIGHT, 31st December 2024)

HOLY MASS: New Year's Eve (EBENEZER NIGHT, 31st December 2024)

Turn your videos into live streams with https://restream.io coming to you from St. Denis Ssebugwawo Holy Cross Catholic Parish, Konge – Lukuli TODAY'S READINGS: First Reading: First John 2: 18-21 Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 96: 1-2, 11-12, 13 Alleluia: John 1: 14a, 12a Gospel: John 1: 1-18 WE REMEMBER: St. Sylvester I, Pope HOW TO PAY WITH MOBILE MONEY DIRECTLY TO OUR PARISH BANK ACCOUNT; Self-register yourself with your mobile line through the link; https://collections.servicecops.com/e... Sign Up Login after SignUp and make payment Please note that a payment will be showing that SERVICE COPS LTD has initiated and also deducted a payment being the merchant collector however the money goes straight to the church account.