Allow Art to Take You Places You've Never Been
I’ve never been to the Arabian kingdom of Avana. In fact, it doesn’t exist. Like a mirage in the desert, it is just an illusion. A fictional place created in my imagination. In Claimed by the Sheikh, and other books in my Sheikhs Untamed Brides series, it comes to life. Art took me to the Hawaiian island of Maui after I won the supreme prize of the Wai Art award and met my idol, Max Gimblett. I hope you enjoy this reminder, that art can take you to places you've never been—away from the chaos and ugliness, transporting you somewhere beautiful. You may also enjoy My blog, where I share more examples: https://www.thejoyfulartist.co.nz/all... There’s nothing more inspiring than being with like-minded people and studying with the greats. I entered an art award once, just for the fun. When they told me I won the Supreme Award and thousands of dollars, I said, “That can’t be right. You’ve made a mistake. That other painting was better. That artist should have won.” The painting I referred to was very realistic, almost photographic in depicting Leda and The Swan. Whereas my painting, a tiny triptych I entitled Love Stain, after the lyrics in a song referring to someone as a love strain on their heart, was an abstract sumi ink painting. No, they said, “The judges were unanimous, they loved yours. It was different.” I used my winnings to join Max Gimblett for a never-to-be-repeated Sumi ink painting class he held in Maui, Hawaii. https://www.thejoyfulartist.co.nz/max... If you want to escape into romance novels with art-related themes, find all Mollie’s books https://www.molliemathews.com/ ✨ Illusion ✨ "Allow art to take you to places you've never been." 🌿🎨 Let your imagination wander and your soul explore. Where will this journey take you? #AbstractArt #CreativeJourney #ArtLovers #Inspiration #TheArtOfLife #ImaginationUnleashed #VisualEscape FIND YOUR PASSION! FREE GIFT & INSPIRATION: Subscribe to my newsletter http://eepurl.com/bEArfT TWO AUTHORS, ONE LOVE ❤️ If you've been following me for a while, you might know me by two names: Cassandra Gaisford, an award-winning artist who also writes empowering non-fiction and transformative fiction; and Mollie Mathews—my romantic pen name where love blossoms on every page. Though the genres may differ, one theme ties everything together: love. Whether it's the self-discovery and empowerment woven into Cassandra's works, or the heart-stirring romance of Mollie's stories, love is always at the center—love for others, love for life, and most importantly, love for ourselves. We celebrate the power of love in all its forms! 💕 STAY IN LOVE JOY RICH ART https://shop.thejoyfulartist.co.nz/pr... ART RETREATS https://www.thejoyfulartist.co.nz/art... BLOG https://www.thejoyfulartist.co.nz/cat... ONLINE COURSES https://www.thejoyfulartist.co.nz/cat... CREATIVITY COACHING https://shop.thejoyfulartist.co.nz/pr... THE JOYFUL ARTIST FREE FB GROUP / 2237086583092479 BOOKS BY Cassandra Readers call Cassandra the Queen of Uplifting Inspiration. If you're looking to change careers, improve your health and well-being, self-esteem, mental health and resilience books for adults, teens and children, you'll find 5-star books here https://www.thejoyfulartist.co.nz/boo... If you want to escape into romance novels with art-related themes, find all Mollie’s books https://www.molliemathews.com/ FOLLOW MY AUTHOR PAGES-NEVER MISS A NEW RELEASE https://www.bookbub.com/profile/cassa... https://www.amazon.com/stores/Cassand... www.bookbub.com/authors/mollie-mathews https://www.amazon.com/stores/Mollie-...