Oil Stocks Going Into 2025 (CVX & OXY Stocks)
We look at the oil sector going into 2025 and discuss Chevron Stock (CVX) and Occidental Petroleum Stock (OXY). If you are a sophisticated investor looking for in depth, independent stock analyses, a strategic value investing portfolio approach, here is my STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (business and sector risk and reward analysis, my portfolios): STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM: https://sven-carlin-research-platform... Want to Reinforce Your Value Investing Mindset And Improve Your Investing Skills: Sign up for the FREE Value Investing Course - a comprehensive guide to investing discussing all that matters (from mind to accounting): https://sven-carlin-research-platform... Subscribe to the monthly Value Investing Quadrant Newsletter Update: http://eepurl.com/gMAWq5 I am also a book author: Modern Value Investing book: https://amzn.to/2lvfH3t The below links are from third parties or channel sponsors where I get a fee from: I often get asked about brokers, here is a low fee broker, an international one that allows you to buy on global markets, and also offers complex solutions like options for when your investing skills grow. For now, it is one of the best solutions I have found for global investors, also based on your comments and inputs: https://www.interactivebrokers.com/mk...