T-ARA (テイアラ) - Cry Cry (Japanese Ver.) (Color Coded Lyrics-Kan|Rom|Eng)

T-ARA (テイアラ) - Cry Cry (Japanese Ver.) (Color Coded Lyrics-Kan|Rom|Eng)

two months and im still on this album AHAHAHAH whateverr!! okay maybe the second best japanese ver to bo peep bo peep....... but why the random ahh change of ld 😭 jiyeon only has that whisper and the line(s) that was/were once hers are undoubtedly soyeon, you can't mistake soyeon's voice as anyone else's lmao, also for line distribution of these japanese ver t-ara songs i'll just add them when the albums done, i only have two more songs left anyway + im lazy 😭😭 Members and Color Codes Boram ✦ Yellow Qri ✦ Light Pink Soyeon ✦ Orange Eunjung ✦ Dark Blue Hyomin ✦ Teal Hwayoung ✦ Green Jiyeon ✦ Purple Album ✧ Jewelry Box My Bias ✧ Qri, Soyeon Release Date ✧ June 6, 2012 Translation Source ✧ colorcodedlyrics, Me #t_ara #티아라 #テイアラ #皇冠团 #bopeepbopeep #보핍보핍 crycry #크라이크라이 #loveydovey #러비더비 #igocrazybecauseofyou #youdrivemecrazy #whyareyoubeinglikethis #imreallyhurt #yayaya #rolypoly #ttl #timetolove #lies