30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 24, 2021 - Mass LIVE at St. Ann DC

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 24, 2021 - Mass LIVE at St. Ann DC

Find the readings for today’s Mass here: https://stanndc.org/bible Details for the following are on our website (stanndc.org) and in our bulletin (stanndc.org/bulletins) Our Men’s Group begins meeting Saturday mornings October 23rd. Sign up at stanndc.org/men Troop 100 is sponsoring a Contactless Food Drive on Saturday, November 6 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Drive up on Yuma Street; your trunk will be unloaded. Bags listing needed items are at church doors. More: https://www.stanndc.org/events/contac... On Sunday, October 24, 3:00pm, renowned musician Martin Labazevitch is the second act in our Piano Series: https://stanndc.org/music On Sunday, November 7 at 10:00am in the School Building, our next guest in our Sunday Speaker Series is Tony Cancelosi, dedicated 11:00am Mass Head Usher, presenting on the topic “In a World of Screens: What You Need to Know About Your Child’s Learning & Vision.” Read more: https://www.stanndc.org/events/sunday... Grab a bulletin, visit our web, sign up for emails to learn more! Our church runs on donations. Give at: stanndc.org/give Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Contact our pastor to join our RCIA Program! Are you interested in mentoring someone in their exploration of our Catholic faith? Contact Natalie to sit in on our RCIA Program. Visit http://stanndc.org/rcia Would you like to connect with other women in our parish? Join us for Walking With Purpose Women’s Bible study starting Wednesday, October 6. We meet in person and online. Register: http://stanndc.org/wwp St. Ann's Church relies solely on your contributions to maintain our parish ministries and our livestreamed Masses. Please make an offering on our website at stanndc.org/give Celebrate St. Ann in a special way with a beautiful commemorative St. Ann candle - https://www.stanndc.org/candle - or rosary: https://www.stanndc.org/rosary