I Tried Toji's Diet from Jujutsu Kaisen for 7 days

I Tried Toji's Diet from Jujutsu Kaisen for 7 days

I Have DONE IT! A FULL Book on Anime Food in Japan! Back the Kickstarter now! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/... I have finally pushed myself beyond my limits in my attempt to become anime. Learning the three section staff that Toji uses is not something I thought I would try, but here we are. 7 days of pain, not sure I will survive. Want to make the food from this series? Here are the recipe videos! High Protein Takoyaki:    • This High Protein Street Food is INCR...   High Protein Yakisoba:    • Easy HIGH Protein Japanese Yakisoba   Sweet and Savory Taiyaki:    • The BEST Japanese Street Food Snack -...   Savory Dango:    • You Will Make This Japanese Dish EVER...   High Protein Okonomiyaki:    • This SUPER High Protein Japanese Panc...   Meal Prep I Used:    • Toji Diet Bulk Meal Prep   If you're near portland, check out Summit Wushu! https://www.summitwushu.com/ Find Me Instagram: [  / chefupk  ] Twitter: [  / chefpk3  ] Some Links include Affiliate Links, which means I get a small commission when you use them. It really helps out the channel.