Cervical Stenosis: What You Need to Know! #cervicalstenosis #spinesurgeon #cantorspinecenter

Cervical Stenosis: What You Need to Know! #cervicalstenosis #spinesurgeon #cantorspinecenter

Learn the basics of cervical stenosis in this quick video! Cervical stenosis occurs when the spinal canal in the neck narrows, putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. This condition can lead to symptoms like neck pain, numbness, weakness, or even balance issues. Understanding cervical stenosis is the first step toward managing symptoms and protecting your mobility. Watch now to learn more about what causes this condition and why early diagnosis is so important. Let's Connect: Jeffrey Cantor, MD 3000 Bayview Drive Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Website: https://www.cantorspine.com Facebook:   / drjeffreycantor   Instagram:   / drjeffreycantor   LinkedIn:   / drjeffreycantor