Could waist-to-height ratio be alternative to body mass index (BMI)? - BBC Points West (March 2024)
Professor Julian Hamilton-Shield and Professor Andrew Agbaje discusses his findings on diagnosing childhood obesity - using a waist-to-height ratio alternative to body mass index (BMI). The findings were based on analysis of Children of the 90s data. For more coverage see BBC article: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-b... Professor Julian Hamilton-Shield is Professor in Diabetes and Metabolic Endocrinology at the University of Bristol and Bristol Children's Hospital. His main research interests encompass neonatal glucose metabolism, childhood obesity and its treatment, diabetes mellitus and the development of insulin resistance through childhood. Professor Agbaje is an award-winning physician and professor (associate) of clinical epidemiology and child health who currently investigates causal relationships of aerobic fitness, physical activity, sedentary behaviour, body composition, insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia, and metabolic syndrome with arterial, cardiac, liver, and kidney structure and function from childhood through young adulthood.