BOJI DESERVES THE WORLD! Ranking of Kings Ep 1 REACTION / The Prince’s New Clothes

BOJI DESERVES THE WORLD! Ranking of Kings Ep 1 REACTION / The Prince’s New Clothes

This was an amazing first episode! We’re already in love with every single character and of course the show’s style! It will be interesting to see who will win…Prince Bojji or Daida? (*cough* BOJJI cough *cough*) We bet queen Hiling is already planning on how to “get rid of Boji” and rest assured, we’re planning to beat up the whole kingdom to protect him. “TwoDream is to expand your imagination and create your own reality. Anything is possible and things don’t have to make sense.” All our Old Videos (Playlist) -    • All Old Videos (2020-2013)   instagram:   / two__dream   Redmoon’s TikTok: Bluemoon’s TikTok: Redbubble: Timecodes Intro + INFORMATION: 00:00 - 01:37 Reaction: 01:38 - 16:40 Character Checks/Discussion: 16:41 - 19:37 Wrap up: 19:38 - 20:03