Learning Names of Food for Kids Fruit and Vegetables  Velcro Cutting Fruit and Veggies part 6

Learning Names of Food for Kids Fruit and Vegetables Velcro Cutting Fruit and Veggies part 6

Teaching the names, pronunciation and looks of different fruit and vegetables for kids. We use plastic toy velcro cutting and peeling fruits and vegetables. This video features mainly fruit, we cover Melon, Persimmon, Mango, Avocado, Pomegranate, Pineapple, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Banana, Guava, Pear and white Peach. This is done in a colorful way and hopefully you and you're kids like it! :D Velcro food playsets are fun and educational for babies, toddlers, children and preschoolers. They are great for learning because they are so much fun for kids to play with. This video is suited for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and really children of all ages. The goal is to make learning both entertaining and effective in a format that is suited for modern children world wide! PLEASE SUPPORT US BY SUBSCRIBING:    / @playnlearnkids   MORE VIDEOS BELOW: Learning Names of Food for Kids | Part 1    • Learn Names of Fruit and Vegetables f...   Counting to 20 With Dinosaurs And Other Animals!    • Counting to 20 With Dinosaurs And Oth...   Learning Animals Names and Sounds for Kids - Part 5: Endangered Species    • Learning Animals Names and Sounds for...   Learning Animals Names and Sounds for Kids - Part 4: Dinosaurs    • Learning Animals Names and Sounds for...   Learning Animals Names and Sounds for Kids - Part 3: The Forest https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&vide... Learning Animals Names and Sounds and more for Kids 2015 - Part 2: The Farm    • Learning Animals Names and Sounds for...   Learning Animals Names and Sounds and more for Kids 2015 - Part 1: The Ocean    • Learning Animals Names and Sounds and...   Play N Learn is a channel that wish to educate and entertain babies, toddlers and children in fun and creative ways. We aim to educate colors, shapes, sizes, letters, alphabet, names, spelling and also help them develop their imagination, creativity, problem solving skills, fine motor skills, memory skills and hand-eye-co-ordination. We will do this by using fun and colorful toys that are suitable for the age of the children. We strive to bring you and your children new and creative ways to learn while having fun! Panama Hat by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Artist: http://audionautix.com/ -------- OUTHER LANGUAGES ------- La enseñanza de los nombres, la pronunciación y las miradas de diferentes frutas y verduras para los niños. Utilizamos plástico de corte de velcro juguete y frutas y verduras pelar. Este video muestra principalmente de frutas, cubrimos melón, caqui, mango, aguacate, granada, piña, pomelo, kiwi, plátano, guayaba, pera y melocotón blanco 子供の名前、発音と異なる果物のルックスと野菜を教えます。私たちは、プラスチックのおもちゃのマジックテープの切断および剥離果物や野菜を使用します。このビデオでは、主に果物、私たちはメロン、柿、マンゴー、アボカド、ザクロ、パイナップル、グレープフルーツ、キウイ、バナナ、グアバ、梨と白のピーチをカバーしています Giảng tên, phát âm và ngoại hình trái cây khác nhau và các loại rau cho trẻ em. Chúng tôi sử dụng đồ chơi cắt khóa dán nhựa và lột trái cây và rau quả. Video này có tính năng chủ yếu là trái cây, chúng tôi bao gồm Melon, hồng, xoài, bơ, lựu, dứa, bưởi, kiwi, chuối, ổi, lê và đào trắng