Square trick of any number without pen & paper | Square trick in Hindi | MATHEMATICAL GURUJI

Square trick of any number without pen & paper | Square trick in Hindi | MATHEMATICAL GURUJI

#Mathematicalguruji Hello Friends... In this video we are talking about shortcut tricks to finding square and we easily understand and find square of any number in less interval of time. It helps in the all competitive exams such as SSC,bank,PO etc. Squaring a Number is very important task for simplification questions. In this video i am explaining the Easiest way to Square a Number Mentally without Pen and Paper and I hope after watching this video you will be able to square a number in your Mind. So please watch the video till the end. Aptitude Tricks and Tips for all students include maths tricks as well as reasoning tricks. Shortcut to find square of any number. Short Method to Find Square of a number using this Maths tricks.This is a very Simple Trick to Calculate square of any number. This is a Maths Tricks for finding squares with ease. These aptitude tricks make you to calculate Square of any number fast. For more aptitude tricks for placements continue your visit with us. Don't waste your time in any examination by doing it squares manually, In this Video we will share Simple Shortcut to find Square of a number. Use this shortcut method to find squares of any number as a result you have more time in the examination to solve other Maths problems. Aptitude Tricks for Competitive exams & Placement. We Govt. Jobs Portal ( WWW.GovtJobsportal.IN) will share more maths tricks like this in the upcoming videos. We advise you all interested candidates who love these types of Maths Tricks to Find Square of any number , to subscribe our channel for more Reasoning tricks & Maths Tricks in future. Subscribe channel from below button for more aptitude tricks and tips. Basically we share this maths tricks for bank po exam oriented. This maths tricks for fast calculation is very important for all the students. So watch this Maths tricks tutorial very carefully to understand the concept deeply. In future we will share more maths tricks for competitive exams. Along with the Maths tricks we will also share reasoning tricks for competitive exams. Those who want to learn reasoning tricks for competitive exams can also subscribe this channel. So stay connected with us for more maths tricks for competitive exams as well as for reasoning tricks. Click Here To Subscribe -    / @mggyanpeeth   FOR ANY QUERY ABOUT RULES AND METHOD--- MAIL ME- [email protected] WHAT'S APP ME- +91-8574452192 Follow ON Facebook-   / mathsguruji   Follow ON Twitter-   / mathsguruji   Fb Page-   / mathsguruabhisheksharma   Youtube-    / mathematicalguruji   Thank you Mathematical guruji AK Sharma (MG)