GTA Online: Pacific Standard Job Finale 50 Million Challenge Guide

GTA Online: Pacific Standard Job Finale 50 Million Challenge Guide

Pacific Standard Job Final Guide of all different methods to get to the boat including three completely different helicopter strategies and a Under The Map Method how to finish the entire heist without loosing any of the money and not only that but how to skip the cooldown of the original heists after hosting it how to also give players less than 15% of the final cut so other player can take more money which helps towards the 50 Million challenge of the Career Progress and more..   / discord   Intro 0:00 Heavy Utility Vest 01:02 Skip Cool Down 01:29 One Person Carries All Of The Cash 01:39 The Run To The Bikes 02:46 Noose Truck Method 04:28 EMP A Police Chopper 05:35 Vespucci Police Helicopter Method 06:02 How To Spawn Vespucci PD Heli 06:46 Las Lagunas Blvd Apt 4 Method 08:05 Mission Row PD Heli Method 08:51 How To Spawn Mission Row Heli 09:08 Civilian Car Outside Bank 10:18 Under The Map 11:06 Outro 12:19 Driver POV for Under The Map @vdubbing7479    • under the map   Old Heist Footage Of Me Found On YouTube @napsie    • GTAO Heist: The Pacific Standard | Ha...   Less Than 15% Cuts In OG Heists    • GTA Online: Less Than 15% Cuts In OG ...   Cayo 50 Million Challenge Tier 4 Guide    • GTA Online: Cayo 50 Million Challenge...   Diamond Casino Heist 50 Million Tier 4 Guide    • GTA Online: Diamond Casino Heist 50 M...