Thriving Compassion or Crossing the Road? | Luke 10:29-37 | Pastor John C. Wynn
March 2, 2025 Sunday Morning Service Pastor John C. Wynn Thriving Compassion or Crossing the Road? Luke 10:29-37 1. A "certain man": vs. 30 A. The destination: Jerusalem to Jericho B. The devastation: fell among thieves 2. Certain other men: vs. 31, 32 A. The priest: saw him and crossed the road vs. 31 B. The Levite: came and looked at him and crossed the road: vs. 32 3. A Certain Samaritan: vs. 33-35 A. He came where he was: vs. 33 B. He had compassion: vs. 33; Matt. 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; 20:34 C. He care for him physically and financially: vs. 34, 35 4. Command given to all of us: vs 36, 37 A. The question of Jesus: vs. 36 "Which now of these three thinkest thou was neighbor unto him that fell among thieves?" B. The quick answer: "He that shewed mercy on him" C. The quest we are given: "Go, and do thou likewise"